NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC
National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA
World Technology Evaluation Center (WTEC), Loyola College, Baltimore, MD

November 25, 1997


Findings from a joint NASA/National Science Foundation (NSF) year-long study of global trends in satellite communications systems and technology and system development will be the subject of a media briefing at 3:30 p.m. EST, Tuesday, Dec. 2, in the Club Room of the Holiday Inn Westpark Hotel, 1900 N. Ft. Myer Dr., Rosslyn, VA.

The findings, characterized as the most complete and current report on the status of satellite communications in the world today, will be presented by a panel of aerospace and communications experts led by co-chairman Joseph Pelton, Dean of the International Space University and Professor of Telecommunications, University of Colorado at Boulder, and Alfred MacRae, formerly of AT&T Bell Labs.

The major findings of the study are:

The NASA/NSF study is a follow-up to update a similar study conducted in 1992, which assessed the global satellite communications industry including research, development, policies, and markets at most of the major satellite communications institutions worldwide. Since 1992 the $25 billion satellite communications industry has undergone dramatic changes in technology, services and applications, standards, financial and management arrangements, and policy and regulatory regimes, and experts expect the industry to grow to at least $75 billion by 2005.

Information about the study and workshop, including a complete list of panel members, is also on the Internet at the following URL:

Both the 1992 and 1997 studies were managed by WTEC at Loyola College in Baltimore.

The panel will discuss their conclusions in detail at a one-day workshop on Dec. 3 at the Westpark Hotel. The workshop is open to the media and public with advance registration by calling Geoff Holdridge of the World Technology Evaluation Center (WTEC) at 410/617-2991.

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