Messier Marathon Homepage

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Messier Marathon 1998

This year, the date around the weekend from Friday 27 to Sunday 29th of March, 1998 gives a good opportunity to observe actually all 110 Messier objects, for observers of mid-northern latitude (20-40 deg). Unlike the last two years, no spectacular comet is present this time, but you can observe the planets Venus, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto also during this night. Meteors might be visible from the following showers: Eta Draconids, Beta Leonids, perhaps some Leonids-Ursids, Eta Virginids, or Pi Virginids. Comets visible, according to the JPL index of Currently Visible Comets, sorted by apparent magnitude (for March 28, 1998):
Comet                       RA (2000.0) Dec  mag

C/1995 O1 Hale-Bopp         04:59.9  -53:43   8.0
C/1997 J2 Meunier-Dupouy    21:48.0  +31:44  11.2
C/1997 T1 Utsunomiya        18:06.7  -10:44  12.2
103P/Hartley 2              05:13.5  +07:31  12.9
43P/Wolf-Harrington         09:25.8  -15:46  14.3
C/1996 D1 Mueller           02:36.7  -11:56  15.0
104P/Kowal 2                04:02.1  +14:07  15.3
29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1  13:30.1  -20:45  15.6
78P/Gehrels 2               06:44.1  +16:07  16.0
C/1997 O1 Tilbrook          15:21.7  +73:36  16.1
128P/Shoemaker-Holt 1       04:53.3  +19:09  16.1
132P/Helin-Roman-Alu 2      04:46.3  +17:07  18.3

Supernova ! A very special bonus is the 12th-magnitude supernova 1998S, which occurred timely in the galaxy NGC 3877 in Ursa Major; this galaxy is also only about 12th magnitude, but many amateurs will be able to get it in a break in the marathon.

Hope these enrichments will be appreciated during your marathon session!

Messier Marathon Events 1998

The following Messier Marathon Events have been announced:

To contribute your event, please email me !

If you have undertaken, or participated in, a Messier Marathon, please email me your or your group's results, or the link to your results page ! Also send me past results which are not already in our Messier Marathon Results page !

Hartmut Frommert

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