ESO Education and Public Relations Dept.
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8 October 1997
ESO Observations Show Persistent Dust Jets at Comet Hale-Bopp
After having passed behind the Sun (as seen from the Earth), Comet Hale-
Bopp is now again well visible to observers in the southern sky. Although
this famous object is now three times farther away than when it passed its
closest point to the Sun (the perihelion) on April 1, 1997, it is still quite
bright, especially when compared to other comets that have been observed
at the same distance. Its magnitude is now around 5, i.e. when seen in a
dark sky it is just visible with the unaided eye. However, it is seen better
through moderate-size binoculars and is of course still more interesting
when observed with a large, professional telescope.
New observations at ESO now show persistent dust jets at Comet Hale-
Bopp. Thus, the comet is still very active.
[ESO Press Photo 28a/97]:
Comet Hale-Bopp -- gas distribution
In the course of the continuing observational programme at the ESO La
Silla Observatory in the Chilean Atacama desert, CCD frames of Comet
Hale-Bopp were obtained on 1 October 1997 with the 2.2-m ESO/MPI
telescope. These images show only the central part of the well developed
cloud of gas and dust (the coma) around the cometary nucleus (the `dirty
snowball' of ice and dust). The field of view is about 3 x 3 arcmin,
corresponding to about 1/100th of the full moon area in the sky. At the
present distance of the comet from the Earth, about 3.1 AU or 465 million
km, this field corresponds to about 400,000 x 400,000 km. The coma of the
comet is still much larger and extends far beyond the border of these
[ESO Press Photo 28b/97]:
Comet Hale-Bopp -- dust distribution
Two different filters were used during the exposures in order to discriminate
between the gas and the dust in the coma. The photo obtained through an
ultraviolet optical filter (ESO Press Photo 28a/97) displays mainly the
distribution of gaseous CN molecules in the coma, while that through a
yellow-green (V) filter (ESO Press Photo 28b/97) mostly indicates the
distribution of dust grains. Since the telescope followed the motion of the
comet during the exposures, the images of the stars in the field are not
completely round, especially in the CN-image.
Using a special image enhancement processing technique it is further
possible to isolate the jet and fan structures in the dust coma (ESO Press
Photo 28c/97). This image shows at least 4 -- possibly up to 6 -- dust jets in
the coma which are still being emitted from active regions on the surface of
the nucleus of the comet.
[ESO Press Photo 28c/97]:
Comet Hale-Bopp -- dust jets
The porcupine appearance of the multiple dust jets very much resembles the
coma structures in Comet Hale-Bopp that were observed in the second half
of 1996, for instance with the Danish 1.54-m telescope at La Silla, cf. ESO
Press Photo 37/96. They may also be perceived as systematic irregularities
in the isophote pattern of the V-filter image (ESO Press Photo 28b/97).
While it is therefore obvious that the dust is not at all evenly distributed
throughout the coma, the gaseous coma is rather symmetric. This is most
likely caused by an omni-directional expansion of the gas that is released
by the nucleus.
The new images were obtained by Hermann Boehnhardt (ESO) and
Francois Colas (Bureau des Longitudes, Paris, France) using the ESO/MPG
2.2m telescope equipped with the EFOSC2 instrument. They represent a
small subset of the science data collected on comet Hale-Bopp during the
past two weeks at ESO La Silla. On the photos that are shown here, the
North and East directions are inclined 12 deg clockwise of the top and left
edge in the images, respectively.
They were among the last images obtained with the EFOSC2 instrument at
the ESO/MPG 2.2m telescope. This multi-mode 'workhorse' instrument will
now be installed at the ESO 3.6-m telescope.
The first observations of Comet Hale-Bopp from La Silla after the perihelion
passage earlier this year were obtained by means of the TIMMI instrument
in the infrared spectral region.
Comprehensive and regularly updated information about Comet Hale-Bopp
and links to many related websites is available at the ESO Hale-Bopp
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