Galileo Solid State Imaging Full Data Releases
ALL IMAGES obtained by the Galileo Solid State Imaging (SSI) system
during the spacecraft's first three orbits (G1, G2 and C3) of Jupiter
are now validated and available.
Images and data obtained by NASA/JPL's Galileo mission have been available on an ongoing basis during the spacecraft's journey through the Jovian system in order to share with the public the excitement of exploration and new discoveries being made via the NASA/JPL Galileo spacecraft. Galileo scientists have a one year period set aside for the process of calibrating and validating the data. The full digital images necessary for scientific analysis are released within one year of receipt of an orbit's last data.
* Some of the BEST of the IMAGE PRODUCTS from the ongoing public releases are available now in multiple formats on the Planetary PhotoJournal web pages. o G1 IMAGE PRODUCTS o G2 IMAGE PRODUCTS o C3 IMAGE PRODUCTS * ALL IMAGES from the first three orbits (G1, G2 and C3) are merged and validated and available via the Planetary Data System.
The PDS offers a simple query interface to access all available G1, G2 and C3 data. It allows the user to search by various parameters such as target name, spacecraft clock, latitude/longitude, filter, phase angle, exposure, gain, and compression ratio. PDS will continue to expand and improve this interface to include queries for any label parameters and, by the end of 1997, a format to select data via a map interface.
To accomodate the various needs of the scientific community, the archived files are raw data files which merge the multiple downlinks of data to provide the best final version of an image. Supporting data such as calibration files are available now and will be available through PDS within a few weeks. Such files include dark currents, radiometric calibrations, blemishes, hot pixels, etc..
Galileo Nominal Mission (6/96-12/97)
Solid State Imaging Orbital Data Sets
Public Release Schedule
Orbit 1 (G1) September 06, 1997 Orbit 2 (G2) November 04, 1997 Orbit 3 (C3) December 19, 1997 Orbit 4 (E4) February 20, 1998 Orbit 6 (E6) April 05, 1998 Orbit 7 (G7) May 07, 1998 Orbit 8 (G8) June 25, 1998 Orbit 9 (C9) September 17, 1998 Orbit 10 (C10) November 06, 1998 Orbit 11 (E11) & GEM Schedules will be posted when available.