What's Up in Space -- 9 Oct 2001
Giacobinids dazzle observers - The Giaconibid meteor shower made a great sky show over Japan, and East Asia. We follow up last week's report with results from sky watchers across the globe.
Jiro Borovicka's page: raw graph of Draconid activity
I M O S h o w e r C i r c u l a r
Details of the reports are as follows; all UT times refer to 1998 October 8, save for the last period:
Report by Masahiro Koseki (Japan, visual): ------------------------------------------ Period(UT) ZHR +- [standard deviation] 0900-1000 14 6 (ZHRs were reported 1000-1100 23 11 by Koseki) 1100-1200 61 43 1200-1300 147 55 1300-1400 371 243 1400-1500 174 123 1500-1600 121 72 Detailed report by Kazuhiro Osada (Japan, visual): -------------------------------------------------- Period(UT) ZHR +- [1/sqrt(n)] 1050-1130 154 33 1240-1250 901 144 1250-1300 867 144 1300-1310 1082 165 1310-1320 1265 183 1320-1330 968 164 1330-1340 640 136 1340-1350 442 123 1350-1400 575 144 1400-1410 457 132 1410-1420 323 114 radiant below 20deg henceforth 1420-1430 302 114 1430-1440 193 136 Report by Jin Zhu (China, visual): ---------------------------------- Period(UT) ZHR +- [1/sqrt(n)] 1143-1227 230 45 Report by Jun-ichi Watanabe (Japa, visual-video): ------------------------------------------------- 1200-1330 ZHR>200 1300-1330 28 GIA on TV monitor with lm~6.0 and a field of view of 40deg x 20deg Report by Zhou Xing Ming (China, visual): ----------------------------------------- Period(UT) ZHR +- [1/sqrt(n)] 1336-1421 562 53 Report by Milos Simek (Czech Republic, radar): ---------------------------------------------- 1330 maximum of 400 events per hour at unfavourable radiant geometry Report by Bev Ewen-Smith (Portugal, radio): ------------------------------------------- -1000 no enhancement 1000-1200 increase of short events (<10sec) 1200-1400 4 events (10-20sec) per minute 1400-1415 decrease of short events, a few very large events (1min) Report by Eisse Peter Bus (the Netherlands, radio): --------------------------------------------------- 0700-0800 9 events >1sec 0800-0900 14 0900-1000 28 1000-1100 33 1100-1200 64 1200-1300 97 maximum suggested at 1245 UT 1300-1400 90 1400-1500 31 Report by Ilan Manulis (Israel, visual): ---------------------------------------- 1541-1741 5-7 per hour, group observation 1741-1836 1-2 per hour, lm=5.5-6.0 European results (visual): -------------------------- Period(UT) nGIA ZHR 1715-1815 7 24 Helle Jaaniste (JAAHE), Estonia 1745-1818 2 6 Jurgen Rendtel (RENJU), Germany 1750-1821 4 15 Rainer Arlt (ARLRA), Germany 1818-1855 3 8 Jurgen Rendtel (RENJU) 1821-1853 2 7 Rainer Arlt (ARLRA) 1817-1913 7 12 Marco Langbroek (LANMA), the Netherlands 1833-1903 4 21 Ike Lysell (LYSAK), Sweden 1837-1926 4 10 Enrico Stomeo (STOEN), Italy 1855-1930 0 - Jurgen Rendtel (RENJU) 1853-1931 0 - Rainer Arlt (ARLRA) 1845-1945 7 40 Jaak Jaaniste (JAAJA), Estonia 1912-1926 0 - Stephen McCann, UK 2010-2045 2 13 Erico Stomeo (STOEN) 2242-2247 0 - Jurgen Rendtel (RENJU) 0250-0330 0 - M. Linnolt, California, USA [1998 Oct 9]If not explicitely mentioned otherwise, ZHRs were calculated by myself with r=2.0, alpha=262, delta=+54. A high proportion of faint meteors were reported during the peak; the ZHRs may thus be underestimated. We can conclude that the Draconid maximum occurred at lambda_sol=195.078+-0.010 degress (eq. 2000.0).
Rainer Arlt, 1998 Oct 9
October 9, 1998
Jin Zhu reporting from Xinglong, Hebei, China saw 26 Giacobinids (Draconids) between 11:43 and 12:27 Universal Time. Radio rates obtained from Europe also showed high activity of the Draconids (Giacobinids) between 13:00 and 14:00 UT. But thereafter rates must have fallen down to low levels. Between 17:50 and 19:31 only 6 Draconids were seen in Europe. Later on only occasional and therefore probably sporadic meteors were observed.
Carl Koppeschaar
October 7: Tune-up for the Leonids
1998 October Draconid prospects?
The 1998 Draconids and Leonids
The Draconids produced spectacular meteor showers in 1933 and 1946 when a zenithal hour rate of some 10,000 meteors per hour was observed. Lesser showers occured in 1926, 1952 and 1985. The big showers took place in years when the parent comet was nearby. As Giacobini-Zinner again reaches perihelion in November this year, it is expected that activity might occur.
The Earth will pass 50 days ahead of the comet's orbit on October 8 at roughly 21 UT. This may be too far away for any significant Draconid activity to occur. However, in past cases the meteor activity always lasted for only a few hours with highest rates for only a few minutes. So watch to see if anything might happen. As others predict 17:45 UT as the possible peak location, it is advised to be alert right after evening twilight fades away into the night.
If no Draconid shower is to be seen, an almost certain opportunity of observing a genuine meteor shower will come next month, when the Leonid meteors may display 'storm' activity on November 17!
Carl Koppeschaar